Monday, December 16, 2013

Charming Tater: Channing Tatum-Based Potato Advertising Mascot Character?

You know you want it: a he-man stuff potato character to advertise potatoes. Just admit it already. And so once Idaho potatoes ends their silly ad campaign of the runaway giant potato on a flatbed truck (it only ran away so they wouldn’t exploit it in a freak show!), maybe they’ll realize that what they really need to keep people from remembering that potatoes are kind of fattening is a super-macho movie star potato ad character with abs galore! Because after all, potatoes are great for energy if you’re working out, so they could act like that’s what potatoes are really for: building muscles! Plus, eating potatoes makes everyone charming, too. (You know it’s true!) And this Charming Tater character would demonstrate that admirably.

So obviously we should all demand the new potato advertising mascot be Charming Tater!