Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dr. Pepper Female Boxer Ad

This Dr. Pepper commercial featuring female boxer Mikaela Mayer shows us the world is full of pretty women, female boxers, and even gorgeous female boxers who look like runway models, but there's only one of these beautiful female boxing models who drinks Dr. Pepper, and that's what makes her a one-of-a-kind. And even if she's the only one of her type who drinks Dr. Pepper because all the other hot boxing models know that soda is fattening and bad for your health, she's still just as much of a one-of-a-kind. It doesn't matter whatsoever why nobody else like her (beautiful boxing model, that is) drinks Dr. Pepper, so long as nobody else does; and apparently, if this ad is to be believed, that's true: that's the point here. And even if she only drinks it because this ad campaign pays her a lot of money, that in itself makes her even more of a one-of-a-kind, because she's also the only pretty boxing runway model who has a lucrative advertising contract with Dr. Pepper.

So I guess the message the commercial is trying to send is that if you are a pretty model who is also a female boxer, don't drink Dr. Pepper, because then you'd be making the woman in this ad less of an original, and that's kind of like swiping her style or something, I guess. And there's also the implied threat that she might beat you up. Which is weird, because I thought advertising was supposed to make more people want to use the product, rather than celebrating the rarity of its use. Hmm, I suppose I have misunderstood this field entirely all along.

Here's the sweet spot: