Thursday, December 19, 2013

Obamacare Ronnie Biggs Ad?

Hey, Obamacare’s had it’s problems, but wouldn’t more people support it if they knew it would send criminals to prison? Why of course they would! And what made me think of this kind of odd advertising angle? Why it’s the death of old Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs at 84 on December 18th, 2013.

For those of you who don’t know, there was something called “The Great Train Robbery” in the UK once, and a bunch of guys stole tons of money from a train. Well, one of these guys was Ronnie Biggs, and he promptly escaped from prison after his conviction, running off to Rio, where he thumbed his nose at the law for 35 years, even singing songs with the Sex Pistols as an additional “Nyah nyah”.

Oh, but what happened then? Well, I was getting to that, for you see, after many years on the run from the long arm of the law, Mr. Biggs developed some serious health problems, and due to the healthcare system available in the United Kingdom, he decided to give himself up in exchange for medical treatment.

And so this is how Obamacare can trick everyone into thinking all criminals escaped from justice will voluntarily turn themselves in for healthcare. I mean, that’s how Obamacare can convince everyone it’s a good thing, and we all need it.

Yes, it’s all true. Read all about it: