Friday, December 20, 2013

Paul Simon SNL Hell

I can’t find this to show you, but when I was much younger, I remember Muzak versions of Simon & Garfunkel playing everywhere, and boy, it was awful!

Oh, but apparently I’m not the only one who noticed, because when Paul Simon was on Saturday Night Live (I think in the late 1980s or early ‘90s), they had a sketch where he was riding in an elevator with Muzak versions of a few of his songs, and then Satan shows up, and Paul Simon says: “Okay, I’m ready to go with you.” And Satan says: “What do you mean? This is it! Ha ha ha!” And Paul Simon says: “No-o-o-o-o-o-!”

Talk about reaping what you’ve sown. I’m guessing only Paul McCartney will experience a similar fate. Or maybe Phil Collins? (Oh please, oh please!)