Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ketel One Name Ad

This is an odd ad, because they make a big point of saying that if you’re going to put your name on something, it has to be exceptional; but then many liquors are named after people or families, and they aren’t necessarily all that good. And this is an odd choice of an ad concept for Ketel One when you consider that many, many connoisseurs and bartenders consider Ketel One to be the best vodka in the whole world.

So I would think it might make a better ad strategy to say that many bartenders will tell you that Ketel One is the best vodka in the world, and they ought to know, because not only do they make drinks for a living, but they also hear everyone’s opinion on the matter, so they really ought to know, so ask them.

But don’t let my little blurb chase you away from respecting Mr. Boston. Now, that man and I had a falling out long ago, from my stomach through my mouth mostly, but don’t let that deter you from sampling his selection of excellent beverages. After all, if they weren’t impeccable, he wouldn’t have put his name on it! (If there ever even was a “Mr. Boston.” That was probably the name he used to check into cheap motels, if you know what I mean…)

Here’s the name-dropping spot:

BTW: While there is a bartender in this ad, it's an actor playing a bartender. But it would let everyone know how much confidence they had in the quality of their product if they encouraged viewers to go ask all the bartenders they know what the best vodka is.