Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Healthy Cereal Big Game Hunter Mascot?

We all know that most sugared cereals have cute cartoon mascots, many of which are based upon wild animals, like Frosted Flakes’ Tony the Tiger, Froot Loops’ Toucan Sam, the Cocoa Puffs Cuckoo, the Trix Rabbit, Super Golden Crisp’s Sugar Bear, etc. And these cute cartoon characters are trying to lure our children into unhealthy behavior, like Joe Camel did. So then wouldn’t it be natural to have an advertising mascot for a healthy cereal be a big game hunter who hunts and kills these sugared cereal mascots? I mean, I understand that hunting is out of fashion right now with much of society, but surely they’d approve of a health food-themed hunter who hunted, killed and removed the unhealthy influence of junk food ad mascots whose raison d’être is to lure defenseless children into unhealthy eating behavior, wouldn’t you think?

So this hunter mascot would be called the Health Hunter, because he is always hunting for a healthy cereal to eat for breakfast, but he keeps encountering these wily sugared cereal wild animal mascots who try to steer him into eating unhealthy sugary cereal instead of healthy cereal. And of course, he shoots them all on his way to finding a healthy cereal to eat for breakfast; which, naturally, he eats out of his pith helmet.

(Naturally, this would probably make a better Robot Chicken sketch than a real ad, but you never know: parents might just love to see an ad like this in real life just for catharsis.)