Thursday, August 4, 2011

Americans Want

During the debate over the debt ceiling increase, I kept hearing pundits from both sides say: “Americans want blah blah blah…” and “Americans want yadda yadda…” As if all Americans agreed with them, and only commies wanted something else. Oh, but I guess they just said “Americans” wanted whatever they were saying. So technically, they could have meant that only a couple of Americans, like themselves and the one paying them, wanted it (which is probably more accurate). But they didn’t sound like that’s what they meant. It sounded like they meant all of us!

Now, I know a few Americans, and one thing I know about them is that they want all different things. The news media would like you to think we all want whatever they say, and if you don’t, that you’re a “terrorist”, or “unpatriotic”. But they’re making their living trying to divide us, so don't fall for it! Please, don’t let them succeed! I wish they’d just report the facts, and shut up about what they think about it (or what they'd like us to think about it). Because no matter what channel I watch, it seems to me they’re mostly full of it. And they're definitely trying to divide us for their own ends.

Whenever you travel around the world, and I’ve been blessed enough to have been around a bit, it becomes clear how much more we all have in common (as Americans) than we have that divides us. They would have you believe otherwise, because if you don’t, they might not get your vote. But the way they’re going about it, they are seriously making us hate one another; and this we should not allow! We may have our differences as Americans, but as one great American once said: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” They know this, yet they still attempt to divide us for their own purposes! It’s unconscionable!

Look at how people on both sides have done it just recently. One group calling for curtailed spending has been called “terrorists”, and the other side “bomb-throwers”. This about a vote that saw the return of Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot by a crazy person the media attributed to overwrought, hyper-partisan rhetoric. The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess. But what hypocrisy, no?

Yes. It is.