Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Too Pretty for Homework?

I can’t believe JC Penney folded like a lawn chair and decided to stop selling offensively bratty David & Goliath T-Shirts just because there was tons of outrage from shoppers! How wimpy can you get? It’s like they think the customer is always right or something over there! They should tell their customers: “We picked these shirts to sell you, and you’ll buy them and like it, or else!” That’s what I’d do!

And they gave in just because the shirts said cool stuff like: “I’m too pretty to do my homework, so my brother has to do it for me”, “I’m too pretty to do math”, and: “Future Trophy Wife”. What’s wrong with that stuff? Hey, if they’re too pretty to do math, they’re too pretty to do math! Or maybe they’re too dumb to do math, or too lazy, but they’re going to try to use being pretty as an excuse. That’s what I do, except I’m not pretty, so they always make me do my homework anyway. (That’s why we need this new law protecting ugly people: so we can all avoid doing math!)

But this leads to another issue, and I think this is why they stopped selling the shirts: They could only sell the shirts like that to really pretty girls, because if they sold them to ugly girls, they’d lose all their credibility! And so would the shirt-wearers! I mean, if an ugly girl is wearing a shirt that says they’re super-pretty, then how can we ever trust them about anything? If they’d lie about something so obvious, then what won’t they lie about? See what I mean? Or maybe their parents just lied to them a lot, and it’s not really their fault. But in order to be sure the shirts were appropriately worn, the store would have to get to look at the potential wearer of the shirt, so they could decide whether or not she was pretty enough to be allowed to buy it. And then who decides who is pretty enough, etc.? Plus, how could you be sure the girl wouldn’t get acne, or get fat, or get her face mauled by a pit bull, etc.? I mean, right? So it’s just too much responsibility for the store to undertake. (Plus there would probably be discrimination lawsuits, etc.)

Plus, if you wear that shirt to class, you teacher will know you cheated on your homework, and you’ll just have to do more work in class, so it’s counter-productive. And when you think about it, we know the pretty girls get everything handed to them anyway, so we don’t really need to be reminded by wearable bragging and boasting. And this would simply seed further animosity against the pretty girls from all those whose lives are made miserable by their existences. And then ugly people might get t-shirts printed for themselves that rub in all the advantages they get that pretty girls don’t have, such as shirts that say things like: “I’m ugly, so I’ll never get roofied”, and “Ha ha: I don’t get sexually harassed”, etc. And do we really want a passive-aggressive war to break out across the fronts of people’s shirts? No! That’s something we just don’t need!

Here’s the story about the shirts: