I just saw this ad for NetFlix where a little kid, a boy who looks to be about 8 to 10 years-old, walks into a saloon full of gambling tough guys in the old West, pushes their hats off, and then walks comfortably back to the couch with his parents. Um, they do know this is the movie rental site, right? I think he might be able to do that if we were talking about video games, since you can actually interact with stuff in a game environment, but not movies; I think about the best he could hope to do with a movie would be to press his face up against one of the saloon windows, make a silly face, and fog up the window. I mean, it would be the TV screen, but maybe they’d see it as a window, if they were in the saloon.
But that brat’s lucky! In the old West, I’ve seen little boys killed for less than that! Well, in movies, anyway. Check out the beginning of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; a kid gets it from “Angel Eyes”, and I’ll bet he would have been tortured as well had the kid messed with his hat. And it’s not just the kid, either! Those tough hombres might just beat up and kill his parents for not “learnin’ ‘im sum manners!”
I can’t find this ad, but there are people complaining and arguing about it online, so I guess that’s why. Here’s a link to one of those silly arguments: