Thursday, August 11, 2011

Turkey Recall

No, not the all-turkey version of Total Recall, but rather, the recent recall of a zillion pounds of ground turkey in the US! Apparently, it has been reported today, the USDA does not consider salmonella to be a dangerous-enough thing to bother warning people about, or to bother asking turkey-murdering meat manufacturers to mention they’re marinating their meat in it. This may sound extremely dangerous and irresponsible to you, but people who are shocked by this are missing an important piece of information here, and that’s the fact that salmonella is the only thing that makes turkey taste any good. In fact, I’ve heard that the taste of salmonella is so associated with turkey, they’re even putting it in Tofurkey to make it taste more recognizably like turkey! (<This statement is actually not true, so please not sue.)