Friday, August 12, 2011

Chevy Camaro Sleep Driving Ad

Yes, Ambien warned this was a potential side effect! You might drive while asleep and not remember it afterwards! Well, this guy’s dog has obviously seen this before, and because he doesn’t want to starve to death when his master dies in a car wreck, or goes to prison for driving under the influence of Ambien, he’s learned how to deal with this problem: That’s right, he plays along so the guy thinks he’s driving an actual car while he’s still in bed! And how does he do that? Well, the dog walks over to the fan and pretends to hang his head out the window, letting his fur all blow in the wind, and his owner thinks he’s actually driving a car for real! And think of all the lives this dog is currently saving! Thanks, doggie! You’re such a good boy!

I’m joking, actually; although he’d be a good boy if that scenario were true! But this ad is really smart and cute, and what an elegantly simple way of dealing with the idea of saying the car is a dream to drive, etc. It’s a great ad! The only thing about it is that it seems like it would be a better ad for a luxury car like a BMW to me. It’s not that the Camaro doesn’t do this to people; it’s just that the people it does this to are teenagers, not adults. Plus, the Camaro is a muscle car, and as such, the ads ought to be more badass in nature. Like, say he goes up to a red light in his Camaro, and the car he pulls up to, a Toyota or something pansy-assed like that, sputters out as it and its driver notice that badass Camaro next to it, kind of like a nerd dropping its books next to a hot girl, or a square getting scared next to a biker gang. See what I mean?

And there’s another thing about this ad that’s maybe not the best thing for selling Camaros. You see, most guys get Camaros because they’re “chick magnets”. But this guy is alone in his bed, except for his dog. And as nice as this dog is, it’s kind of a girlie dog. So this guy has tried the lap dog, and he’s tried the Camaro, and nothing seems to be working. So maybe he’s a dork, but how does that help sell Camaros? No, to sell the Camaro, there should be a supermodel or a hot cheerleader (a college one) in his bed, and the dog can walk around her to get to the fan. Then, you’d get the right idea. But not only would they say that he gets the girl, but they’d also show that he got the girl, but he’s actually dreaming about the Camaro! See what I mean there?

But it’s a great ad, in any case! My suggestions would just be “gilding the lily”, so to speak. And here it is: