Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rebels or Wild Ones?

In the political analysis of the Iowa Straw Poll results last weekend, some guy said Michele Bachmann’s victory reminded him of that scene from Rebel Without A Cause where somebody asked James Dean: “What are you rebelling against?” and he said: “Whatddya got?”

It might have reminded me of that too, if that was in the movie; but it’s actually from The Wild One, not Rebel Without A Cause, and the guy who said it was Marlon Brando, not James Dean. I guess all them rebel types are all the same to these guys, huh? I wish I could remember the name of the guy who said that, but he was some old white bald guy in a suit, so he wouldn’t be up on the rebel stuff that much anyway, I’d reckon, so it’s really no big surprise. But if you’re going to make movie references, you might want to know what the hell you’re talking about.

And these are the people we’ve got on the news telling us what’s what. Is it any wonder, then, that we’re so screwed? They can’t even get the easy stuff right. So how can we trust them with the real stuff? Honestly!

But this really begs the question: Are Michele Bachmann supporters “Rebels Without A Cause”, or are they “Wild Ones?” Isn’t this the more important distinction the analysts were supposed to be telling us? Because it seems to me that neither description is actually that apt for her supporters. They may be “Rebels”, but they have a cause: that of low taxes, small government, social conservatism, incorrect facts, debt default, etc. And if they’re supporting a social conservative candidate, they’re definitely not “Wild Ones”. But you know, going back to Bachmann’s tendency for factual inaccuracies and stuff, perhaps the “Without A Cause” isn’t so off base; because while they may have a cause and stuff, with Bachmann leading the charge, can they be sure what the cause actually will end up being, or if it will be, in fact, accurately led? I think not.

So maybe that’s why that analyst guy got confused, and thought his reference was from Rebel Without A Cause, when it was actually from The Wild One. After all, can you see Michele Bachmann in a black leather motorcycle jacket with a skull and cross pistons pained on the back? That’s Sarah Palin’s job! In fact, maybe Palin keeps showing up at all the Republican events in her big bus to be sure Michele Bachmann’s not stealing her thunder. And by “thunder”, I mean identification with motorcycle stuff. (Because Sarah Palin always rides into those motorcycle-themed political events, right?)

And you know something else about Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann? Remember how they both went after “Obamacare” with the “death panels” accusations? When is somebody going to start up an indie band called: “Death Panel for Cutie” in honor of these ladies and their claims? (like the band: “Death Cab for Cutie”.)

Here’s the IMDB page for that quote from The Wild One: