Thursday, August 18, 2011

HP Touchpad Singer Ad

The HP Touchpad has an ad currently running on TV where some brunette singer in a silver glittery dress and an extremely annoying nasaly voice sings “Let Me Entertain You” while the HP Touchpad plays images on it. This singer reminds me of Rebecca Black of “Friday” (in)fame. And every time this ad comes on, her ultra-annoying voice stays with me for a half-an-hour afterwards, and it’s very unwelcome! But the most irritating, face-slappingly unbelievable thing about this ad is that they show us a clip from the movie The Wizard of Oz, where we see Judy Garland (!), probably (probably? She is!) the best female vocalist for the past 100 years! And as we see Judy Garland, we hear this nasaly, annoying voice on the soundtrack! What the hell are they thinking? Honestly!

Maybe some people really like this singer, but she really annoys me. I know she’s on Glee and stuff, and I’m not trying to insult people who like her or anything, but seriously: most of the popular music out there is auto-tuned rap crap, so how could we be expected to have taste in singers nowadays anyway? I mean, nothing personal, but you know…

But anyway, for those of you still reading, this girl may be a great singer; maybe she’s the best alive today, but still: you don’t put a rhinestone next to a diamond and expect it to outshine the diamond. Do you see what I mean? So even if this girl is the best singer on Earth now, it’s still not fair putting her up against a picture of Judy Garland. It’s like putting liquid paper against cream for taste. I mean, sure: they’re both white and all, but one is much better tasting! Seriously: I’m not trying to insult her, but when they put her voice over a picture of Judy Garland, I can’t help it! It’s not my fault: It’s their fault for doing it! And it’s not fair to the girl singing either, because I guarantee you, I’m not the only one who feels this way!

But for those who I may have offended, look: I’m not talking about her voice so much as I’m talking about the juxtaposition of her voice with the image of a woman who could out-sing anyone on Earth, probably ever! And we’re talking about advertising here! Do you put a Big Mac next to a filet mignon in a commercial, and expect people to buy the Big Mac? This is the same thing. Look: A Big Mac is great, but it’s not a filet mignon; sorry. And comparing it to something that’s obviously way, way better than it in an ad is just stupid. And that’s a fact!

Oh, and I must be right about this, since HP announced today that they’re ending their tablet market! (This was an ad for their tablet.) Here’s that story:

And here’s the ad: