Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Three Little Pigs

Some show on Fox News had a discussion about how a liberal professor somewhere was critical of the fairy tale: The Three Little Pigs, citing the fact that it knocks the use of third-world-type building materials, and is, as such, offensive. So they ripped on that for awhile. But I must say, that’s not the bit I find questionable. In fact, I’d say there’s really only one aspect of The Three Little Pigs that warrants any controversy at all, and it has more to do with the actions of the wolf.

I know wolves have a rather bad reputation in our culture. They might wait outside your door and attack you when you come outside. They might gang up on you in the form of a wolf pack, and eat you up or something. They might even dress up as your grandmother and wait in her bed for you to come and visit, at which point it would pounce and eat you up! (Maybe that’s why kids don’t visit their grandparents as much as they ought to.) But it has never been my experience that they (wolves, that is) blow things down.

But pigs can build houses and stuff, right? I would have thought that hooves would be kinda difficult for holding tools and particularly tricky for architecture, but what do I know? If they wrote it into a fairy tale, they probably checked it all out for accuracy and stuff so as not to get a lot of incredulous looks from the kiddies, right? So it must all be true. I mean, except for the part about the wolf blowing houses over (or in, as the case may be), as that’s just silly.

I don’t know where they were getting their ideas from, the guys who wrote this story; but whatever it was, I’d like a hit off of that, please. Because they must have been pretty high when they were thinking about wolves blowing houses over and stuff. I mean, maybe if Superman was wearing a wolf Halloween costume (and, I mean, he wouldn’t just go as Superman, now, would he? Actually, maybe he’d go as Clark Kent just to be a smart-ass.), it could seem like a wolf was blowing a house down. But this story is way older than that, as Superman didn’t land on Earth until at least like 1918 or something.* And Superman wouldn't just go blowing people's (or pigs') houses down, would he? So it couldn’t be Superman. And then we’re just stuck with wolves, and that’s just not realistic. So I think these author guys were on drugs or something. They must have been! So where's Dr. Drew on this?

* I know, I know, the Action Comics Superman intro issue was from 1938. But he was already Superman by then! And seeing as how Superman came to Earth as a small boy, it must have been at least 20 years before the release of Action Comics No. 1, right? (Comic books are all just reporting contemporary true stories, right?)