Tuesday, August 30, 2011

George Lucas Educational Foundation

On NPR this weekend, I heard some segment that was sponsored by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, and after they mentioned it was sponsored by this foundation, they said a little catchphrase or tagline to go with the foundation. I can’t remember exactly what they said, but I remember what they didn’t say! They said something like this: “…sponsored by the George Lucas Educational Foundation: Growing a movement for change in education.” (<Or something like that.) But this is George Lucas we’re talking about here! Shouldn’t they have said: “The George Lucas Educational Foundation: The force for positive change in education.”? Get it: “The Force”? Because he created Star Wars, he ought to have to have a reference to “the force” in everything he does from now on, no matter how philanthropic or altruistic it is. It’s just poetic justice, like when Paul Simon got punished in the elevator with an eternity of Muzak versions of Simon & Garfunkel songs as his own private hell, as shown in an old episode of SNL.

Hey, I know: George Lucas could set up some drug recovery clinic in Indiana, and he could say: “The George Lucas Drug Rehab Clinic of Indiana: Making Indiana Jones!”