Yes, it’s the food Nazis again, this time pointing the accusing finger at parents for sending kids to school with toxic lunches basking with bacteria. I knew it was only a matter of time before the food reich decided that bag lunches were murder-fests waiting to happen. That way, they could insist that kids are only ever allowed to eat what they (the meddling government) say they should. And it’s a good thing too! For too long have parents been allowed to get away with attempted lunch murder against their defenseless children! We all know parents never do the right thing for their kids, and intentionally so too! So thank God for these big-government people forcing their will on us all! (Oh, sorry, I’m not allowed to mention God, am I?)
Think of all the lives they’ll save, since up to now, millions of children die of bag lunches every year! When I was a child, I took a bag lunch to school every day for a number of years. I never got sick from it, but I always knew my parents were trying to kill me, and it traumatized me for life! That’s why I’m so thankful that these meal meddlers are forcing their way into our lives, and waking kids up to the fact that their parents are always trying to poison them!
And it’s also a good thing, because we have all of this extra money lying around that we need to waste on more and more intrusive government programs, too! Oh, you mean we’re actually having a debt crisis? Well, never mind. After all, what’s the point of force-feeding people if you can’t go broke in the process? Hopefully, as they bankrupt us all with their wonderful Big Brother policies, we’ll all begin to see how morally bankrupt they are as well. And maybe then we’ll wake up and tell them all to get stuffed into a brown bag themselves. And once they’re finished removing every tempting morsel from kids’ lunches, perhaps the kids will choose to cannibalize the food police instead. Then we’ll be rid of them for good!
This study was obviously only conducted as propaganda in an attempt to force the implementation of further big-government intrusion we can’t afford. The Bush people tried to suppress science they didn’t like, and now the Obama people try to create fake science to force their big-government policies we can’t afford onto us whether we like it or not. They say: “Eat the rich” all the time. But when they’re done removing every decent-tasting food source from our grasp, they’ll most likely be the ones we’ll be eating. Yummy yum yum!
Here’s the story: