Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cell Phone Toy Helicopter Ad

In this ad, they go the route of trying to advertise directly to one person, so I don’t think it’s going to help sell a lot. Maybe the phone will sell itself, but this ad won’t help: I guarantee it!

So what does this ad do? It says: “This phone is for you. You have a dog named ‘Wi-Fi’, you blah blah, etc.” And it shows some nerd riding a bicycle through some college campus with a little mutt dog in a back pack, and then he uses some toy helicopter gizmo to make a YouTube video to invite people to a roof party. But they neglect to mention the fact that this is Science Fiction. Nobody goes to the nerd party in real life. And if having this phone makes you like that guy, then they can probably count most people out. Nothing personal: I just remember what college is really like. And getting nerds’ hopes up for social success and popularity based upon a specific type of cell-phone is both unrealistic and mean at the same time. But whatever you have to do for that filthy lucre, eh, ad agency?

I wrote a piece recently about a Camaro ad, where I said they should have put a hot girl in the guy’s bed. But the thing is, that’s not fiction; that’s real: The guys in high school with the hot cars always got the hot girls, even if they themselves were lame. I don’t think the same applies to the lame guys with the hot cell phones. I mean, unless it’s an iPhone, that is; maybe that works. But this isn’t an ad for an iPhone, is it? No, it isn’t. (In fact, I don’t even remember what kind of cell-phone it is. I just know it’s not an iPhone, so it’s not cool enough to attract girls.) So suggesting it will give you girls and friends is dishonest, in my opinion.