Sunday, August 7, 2011

The House of Sand and Fog

They’re showing The House of Sand and Fog on The Movie Channel today. That’s the movie where there’s a legal battle over a house, and the family who moved into the house commit a mass suicide when they lose the court decision. This is all sad and everything, but all I could think of when I saw that ending was what a great opportunity that was to start a flesh-eating zombie franchise! I mean, they never even made The House of Sand and Fog 2: Revenge of the Living Dead, where the dead family come back to get revenge on Jennifer Connolly for evicting them from their home, and they all eat her and her boyfriend or whoever else is there. It would be awesome! (Think about it: The hungry zombies could slowly rise up through the damp sand and emerge from the dense fog... Think of how spooky it would be!) Then, they could just keep on making House of Sand and Fog sequels, where the zombies come back to eat whoever moves into or visits the house, and each new victim returns in the following movies to be a hungry, revenge-seeking, flesh-eating zombie! Wouldn’t it be awesome?