Friday, August 26, 2011

Dick Cheney’s Mind Blowing Book

Dick Cheney recently said that when his book comes out, heads will explode all over Washington. Oh my God! He’s planted explosives in people’s heads all over Washington, and he’s timing them to go off when his book comes out! This must be in revenge for all the people who criticized him for the terrorism policies: He’s planning to show them all how bad it would have been without his policies! Oh, the humanity! Carnage everywhere!

I’ll bet these poor people don’t even know they have explosives planted in their heads either! Well, I think we’re going to have to take this threat of violence seriously from a maniac like Dick Cheney. Maybe he was right all along about enhanced interrogation! Just to be sure, we should waterboard Mr. Cheney to get him to tell us whose heads are rigged with explosives. Think of all the lives we can save!

Everybody has been worried about some big attack to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11: maybe this is it, Dick Cheney’s “heads exploding all over Washington” attack! If you’ve recently had any kind of neurosurgery, check with the bomb squad to be sure you’re not a ticking time bomb! That doctor may have been Dick Cheney in disguise, and he may have put a bomb in your head!

Don’t believe me? Here’s the shocking story with the “mind-blowing” threats!: