Friday, August 19, 2011

Questionable Gender Equality Issue

Today on CNN, this issue was raised about Rick Perry’s views on global warming, and Wolf Blitzer said that Perry rejected the idea that climate change was manmade. But he tripped over that expression, and then made the point that it was made by man, and woman (!).

Um, I hate to be the one to bring this up, but I really doubt that excluding women from blame for global warming is going to be the new rallying cry for the women’s movement. But I guess that’s the political correctness training they must get at CNN bearing fruit. I hope the ladies out there all caught that serious stab at gender equality by Mr. Blitzer, and that they all appreciated it. I’ll bet he was afraid that if he didn’t qualify both genders as equally to blame, that all the women would switch over to Fox News from then on. I mean, so long as they don’t support abortion rights, reproductive rights, gay marriage rights, etc., etc., etc…

I had just seen an HBO documentary about Gloria Steinem the day before, and when I heard Blitzer catching himself with the potential discriminatory remark, I thought how this must be the single lowest item on Steinem’s list of things to make sure both genders are credited equally with. In fact, it seems to me that more men drive those muscle cars, and explode bombs, and blast off missiles and rockets and stuff, but whatever. Hey: women have fought for their equal rights, so I guess Mr. Blitzer was just trying to be fair. Right?

But it made me wonder: Is it too late for women to deny credit for some stuff, though? I think now’s the time, if they want to avoid the blame, don’t you think? If they don’t get on it soon, Mr. Blitzer may have blamed them for everything by then!