Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Psycho Ex-Wife Blog

No, not mine: I’m not married. (Ladies: He’s single!) But there’s some guy who writes a blog bitching about his ex-wife, and now a judge is forcing him to take it down just because he says stuff like his ex-wife looks like Jabba the Hut. I don’t know if the judge is right to do this, but I’m pretty sure he’s doing himself more harm than his ex-wife when he tells us all she looks like Jabba the Hut. Because obviously he’s the guy who wanted to marry Jabba the Hut in the first place! So bitching about it now just makes him look doubly stupid!

I think I know what happened here. This guy was probably a huge Star Wars fan, but he was too ugly or lame to get a Princess Leia-type, and the best he could attract was a Jabba the Hut. So at least he’s got a real Star Wars character, right? Not everybody can say that. So he was probably really popular at Comicon and stuff. But here’s what happened, I’ll bet: He fell in love with the Jabba the Hut from Return of the Jedi, but then, after The Phantom Menace came out, he became disillusioned with Jabba the Hut, and he fell out of love with her. And now every time he looks at her, he just thinks about what a crappy movie The Phantom Menace is.

But that’s not his wife’s fault; it’s George Lucas’s fault! So he really shouldn’t blame his ex-wife! He ought to start a blog about how George Lucas destroyed his happy marriage with his prequel trilogy, and then just rant about how lame the first three Star Wars movies are. Then he could get all kinds of old nerds on bitching about them too. And surely then no judge would have him take it down, right? After all, most judges are old enough to have been fans of the original Star Wars trilogy, and surely they would agree with him about the new ones being lame by comparison. But George Lucas is a powerful man, so I guess you never know. (The force is strong with that one!)

Here’s the news story: