Monday, August 8, 2011

“Job Creators”

There has been, and there continues to be, a big stink being made out of the revenue issue these days. By revenue, that means tax increases, and mostly on rich people. Oh, sorry: Job Creators. (I love what Jon Stewart did about this, saying Richie Rich would be called: “Job Creatorie Job Creator”.) For, yes, “Job Creator” is the new Republican codeword for rich. So we’re not allowed to raise taxes on the super-rich because they’re job creators, and that would kill jobs. Allegedly.

Hey, I have an idea! Why don’t we make them (rich people) prove they’re creating American jobs (outsourced jobs don’t count), or are investing in American businesses (foreign businesses don’t count), in order to get the tax break, rather than just assuming they’re creating jobs just because they’re rich? It may be cheating or something, but I don’t see why. After all, if they’re really “job creators”, then what’s wrong with asking them to prove it? Then, if it turns out they all are, we could believe the Republicans when they say they’re “job creators”. (Otherwise we could know for sure that they’re full of it when they say that the rich are “job creators”.)

But Democrats don’t push for this idea either. Maybe they’re afraid this might prove they are job creators. But my guess is that it would show some are, but most aren’t. But neither side wants to do it, apparently: it’s either tax them all more, or don’t tax any of them more. This is dumb. Oh, and I think I know why neither side wants to do the sensible thing and have them prove it and give the real job creators a tax break/incentive, and it’s one word: demagoguery.

You see, if we get to find out what the truth about this issue is, then they couldn’t demagogue the issue in absolute terms and make us hate each other over it. And that would be bad for business! Actually, scratch that; it would be good for business, but bad for politics. And that, they cannot permit as politicians! So they solve nothing and just keep things broken so they can have a political football to play with. I just wish we could cause a lock-out for their football season! (Jerks!)