Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Joke Grey Goose Vodka Ad

Wouldn't it be fun, for a change, to have a commercial for an upscale vodka where some cad gets drinks thrown in his face by hot women he's mistreated, and he raves about how he loves to have the delicious, high quality of Grey Goose thrown in his face? It certainly would be different. So he could get a regular drink thrown in his face (a "well drink"), and he'd become flustered. Then he'd explain how it's lame to get a drink thrown in your face, but it comes with the territory of being a swinging playboy type, and if you're going to get a drink thrown at you, try to be sure it's Gray Goose: for it's positively enjoyable to be slathered with such luxury! Then, some woman throws a Grey Goose drink on him, and he savors it; he says: "Mmmm! Grey Goose! Invigorating!", and then he kisses his fingers like a chef would do to say: "perfectly delicious". Then, the date he's with thinks he's kissing her off, so she throws another drink in his face, and he says: "Hey: Grey Goose Citron! My favorite!"

Then the tagline could be: "Grey Goose: If you're going to get a drink thrown on you, it might as well be the best!" or: "Grey Goose: You'll love it in or on you!"