Sunday, December 11, 2011

Manson Vs. Zombie?

A few months ago, there was a big news story about a missing girl, and then they found her body, and the police said her step-mother killed her, and the news media said they were sure it must be the step-mom, because she listens to Rob Zombie. And I thought, wait a minute: isn’t Marilyn Manson the one who’s supposed to get blamed for inspiring people to murder other people? He got blamed for Columbine, and lots of other stuff, too. And then it got me wondering: if I’m watching this, asking myself why Rob Zombie gets to steal credit for inspiring Marilyn Manson-inspired murders, is Marilyn Manson watching this too, getting mad that he’s being denied credit for inspiring this murder too? And then I had to wonder: will this sort of thing come to a head where Marilyn Manson sues Rob Zombie for stealing his shtick?

And then you have to wonder, did Judas Priest and Ozzy get mad when Marilyn Manson got credit for inspiring Columbine? After all, they were the ones who pioneered the whole being sued for people killing themselves thing, right? Oh, but that’s about suicides; sorry, I forgot. So then Marilyn Manson got people killing other people, right? But then how does Rob Zombie get credit for inspiring a killing unless it’s like someone who eats someone else’s brain or cannibalizes them or something? That’s mixing metaphors! Marilyn Manson has the serial killer thing, so that’s totally different from zombies.

But you know, maybe the problem is with the news media. They get facts wrong all the time, so maybe they just mixed up Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson in their minds, and Rob Zombie’s not even trying to horn-in on the murder-inspiration credit like they said. I hope Manson thought of this too, since with a name like Manson, he might have flown off the handle and killed Zombie! Oh, but I guess a zombie is just a living dead body anyway, so maybe nobody would notice. And maybe he did do it, and nobody did notice! I guess we’ll never know for sure…