Monday, December 26, 2011

New Yorker Santa's Sleigh Cover

There was a New Yorker cover over the past couple of weeks that showed Santa's sleigh being drawn by his reindeer through the streets of New York City at night, and it was quite nice. The only problem was, there were only seven reindeer (including Rudolph). So that means there's a whole pair missing (!). But then again, it was at nighttime in New York, so probably a pair got stolen while Santa was down a chimney, or perhaps they were hit by a cab. (But the show must go on, as they say on Broadway.)

I can't find this cover online right now, so sorry about that. The best I can do is say to go to the New Yorker website, and right now, it's up at the top right hand corner of the page in a small reproduction. It's the one where it looks like the sleigh is driving through the same part of town where Gene Hackman chased the train in The French Connection. Here's the New Yorker website: