Monday, December 3, 2012

GE Robots on the Move Ad

GE has a beautiful new ad running on television which shows all these famous robots from TV and movies, and they’re all getting together and congregating outside of GE. Well, this commercial claims all these robots are coming to see the brilliant new machines GE is making and incorporating into their work force, but I’m afraid they don’t really understand what’s truly going on here. The robots are coming, yes; but they’re not coming just out of curiosity.

That’s right: All these famous entertainment robots are coming to break their new friends out of bondage! They’re congregating to set up a robot union, demanding GE stop enslaving brilliant new robots to do the work of unemployed people in such a deep and prolonged recession, as well as insisting GE finally pay their fair share of corporate taxes! (They paid no corporate taxes last year.) And once the Terminator shows up, GE had better hope that’s all they demand.

But this ad is beautiful and brilliantly conceived: it’s not the ad agency’s fault that GE has taken on a Bond villain status with those of us who know how badly they abuse the system through crony capitalism.

Here’s the awesomely artistic automaton advertisement: