Forever stymied in the past by the argument “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, gun-control activists have designed a self-firing gun that kills all by itself. And, once unveiled and demonstrated for the public, everyone will forevermore be able to retort to that old staple NRA argument: “They do too!” And that will be the end of that argument!
Of course, then we’ll have a bunch of intelligent murder-happy mechanized firearms without human compassion running around killing people everywhere, but we can always cross that bridge when we get to it, because finally there is a riposte to that firearm-blame-thwarting expression: “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” And that’s surely worth it, no matter what the price in misery and carnage, finally to win that argument, right?
And I’m sure the government can pass some new regulation that will stop these new self-aware Terminator guns from being allowed to shoot anyone anymore anyway, right? (Unless they’re allowed to vote too, because in that case I’m sure the Congress will sell us out to them for re-election no matter how much chaos and death they cause.)