Friday, January 4, 2013

Nancy Pelosi's 2013 DNC Women Photo

News media people are reporting Nancy Pelosi's photo alteration of the new Democratic Congresswomen's portrait, but are they missing the real story here? News people are mad that she altered the photo, inserting absent members via Photoshop, but there is a far greater crime being perpetrated here! (I mean, if she really practices what she preaches about religious equality, that is...)

What do I mean? Well, it's simply this: According to an ABC News report, she claims the photo "reflected the nation's diversity because it included women from every community and religious faith." And when you really think about it, surely this is not possible at all, because there are more religions than there are members of Congress, aren't there? I mean, are there any Helios worshippers? How about Zoroastrians? Any Satanists in that picture? Any Wiccans? Pagans (of whatever type you can imagine)? How about Heaven's Gate followers, or Branch Davidians? Or how about FLDS drones of Warren Jeffs? Snake Handlers? Rastafarians? And how many Scientologists are there? (That last one is recognized by the US government as a legitimate religion afforded with tax-exempt status. So surely she cannot, in good, um, faith, I guess, leave them out, right? Unless she's... Hey, you don't suppose she is opposed to the Church of Scientology, and that's why she left them out: as a passive-aggressive slight, now do you? Wow, I'm so offended if that's the case... What a religious bigot!) And if we're going to start talking about legitimate religions, then how about Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc? (Sorry, I don't know them all. But surely she should have thought of all of the ones I mentioned {i.e.: the obvious ones}, as well as all of their various offshoots and denominations, before claiming they were all represented, right? I mean, unless she's intentionally trying to insult and oppress all the others she didn't include. {That's surely what she would accuse anyone else of for making such a glaring omission, right? Be honest, now...})

And don't even get me started about all the communities she left out! Where are the Gothic and punk rock congresswomen, if all the communities are represented? Seriously, Nancy Pelosi is so insensitive to minority religions and communities with this claim! (Need I even say: "Well, I never!"?)

Here's the ABC News story:

(Now, naturally, I am only joking here. Because obviously she is also being sexist by leaving out all the men. But hey, if she's going to leave out so many religions and communities, then she's obviously a bigot. Unless... Hey, you don't suppose that ABC News wrote this to make her look bad, do you? We all know how much they hate liberal Democrats, so maybe they're just trying to smear her. {Those fiends!})