Friday, March 8, 2013

ADT Burglary Ad

A woman clutching her daughter claims: “We got ADT because I walked in on a burglary once.” And then she goes on to say how traumatizing it was and everything. But you know, has she ever thought about how it felt to the burglar? I mean, he was probably mortified and traumatized over having someone walk in and show him up for the failed burglar that he is. His friends probably all pick on him and beat him up now, and his father, the Hamburglar, couldn’t be more disappointed in his son! How selfish of her, only thinking about herself and her pampered daughter, and denying this deprived gentleman of his fair share! Why, I think perhaps he should sue her for pain and suffering and psychological trauma sustained when his burglary was ruined when she so thoughtlessly and selfishly intruded upon his performance of his trade! He’s probably scarred for life! And he’ll never feel safe and comfortable invading the privacy of others again! Oh, for shame, Miss Upper Middle Class, caring more about your possessions than you do about your fellow man! (Oh, the humanity!)

Burglar, you’ve gotta sue her ass!

Here’s the stuff-stealing spot:

(Okay, I think this might be edited to put in a different burglar. But that’s only because she has ruined the original burglar’s life! After being seen on television in a commercial for a security service, everyone recognizes him on the street and just calls the cops, even when he’s just walking his vicious attack dog! I mean, what better proof do you need that the burglar is the real victim here?)