Sunday, March 10, 2013

Big O Tires Good Carma Ads

In this recent ad campaign for Big O Tires, which I cannot find online anywhere, people who use Big O Tires have a glow around their car, and bad things, like falling bricks, bird poop, shopping carts, etc., bounce right off of their cars. And so they give you some sort of force field to protect your car, called “good carma”, because you paid for “protection”.

Oh, but people parked on either side of the Big O Tires customers’ cars have the bad stuff bounce off the protected cars and smash into theirs. So I guess not only do their customers get some kind of protection from using their services, but people who don’t go to Big O Tires get punished for not doing so. And so I guess it’s like some big mob protection racket, and this commercial is warning us of what is going to happen to our cars if we don’t go get service with Big O Tires. Well, at least we can’t say they didn’t warn us, huh?