Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gun Free Zones

As we all know, Gun Free Zones are areas where guns are not allowed. And that means that criminals and spree shooters know it’s against the rules to bring their guns there, and since they respect the law despite being criminals and murderers, they don’t bring their guns there. Well, except for some of them.

The argument from the gun rights side of this is that proudly labeling places as Gun Free Zones is essentially like announcing to criminals and spree killers: “Hey, come here to commit your crimes! Nobody will be armed to resist you!” And that’s a pretty good argument, even if it’s not really correct (I don’t have any stats on this). So how about this for an idea:

We know some people like the feel-good warm & fuzziness of announcing a Gun Free Zone, but we also know that this could invite violent criminals to target these areas as well, so why not simply alter the sign to say: “Gun Free Zone. But Not Necessarily A Knife, Chain Saw, Chinese Throwing Star, Poisoned Dart and Deadly Ninja Assassin Free Zone.” That way there would still be a threat to potential criminals, but at least everyone would feel safe from guns. I mean, unless someone just disregarded the sign and brought a gun anyway, that is.