Friday, March 22, 2013

Biden Wants Zombies to Eat Us

Vice President Joe Biden is pushing for an assault rifle ban. But under this very same administration, FEMA has been warning us to prepare for a zombie apocalypse. And what would you need for a zombie apocalypse? Why, you’d need an assault rifle or two, and thousands of rounds of ammunition. Oh, but now Biden doesn’t want us to be allowed to get any assault rifles, which could only mean one thing: Biden wants us all to get eaten by zombies.

Hey, this must be the Obama Administration’s new climate change strategy! They’ll ban assault rifles, then they’ll release the zombies, the zombies will eat everyone, and then nobody will be left to drive fossil fuel-burning cars or to use electricity, so it will prevent carbon emissions, and the Earth will heal. Yea! And then they’ll just kill the zombies, collect all the bodies, put them into a big meat grinder, and make Soylent Green! (That will cut down on factory farming.) This must be the new green agenda (the Soylent Green agenda, that is!).