Tuesday, March 26, 2013

That’s Softcore!

We keep hearing about things that are supposedly “hardcore”. (I don’t mean pornography, but rather, lifestyles.) I saw an ad for the TV show Mountain Men, and they said it’s a hardcore lifestyle. And I guess that’s supposed to be good and cool and stuff. But in truth, “hardcore” lifestyles are really only encouraged on reality TV shows these days. If you lead a really hardcore lifestyle, some special interest group is going to demonize you, and your supporters will get bullied by people who think such a lifestyle is barbaric and such. The truth is, people these days live “softcore” lives, so why not celebrate them as such?

So shouldn’t we start using the more appropriate term: “That’s softcore!”? It certainly would accurately describe the lifestyles we’re most encouraged the lead these days, now doesn’t it? After all, if we go hunting we’re murderers, if we wear fur we’re monsters, if we go fishing we’re torturers, if we eat meat we’re senseless sadists, if we like football we’re encouraging barbarism and great bodily harm, etc. Seriously, “hardcore” is totally out of style! What’s in now is “softcore!”