Saturday, March 30, 2013

Slogans to Demonize Salt & Sugar

Salt and sugar sure are getting a bad rap lately, with all these nutritionists and research scientists bashing them both left and right everywhere you look. Well, after watching part of the HBO movie Phil Spector, and seeing protesters holding that old staple religious sign that says: "The Wages of Sin Is Death", it struck me that if salt and sugar are really so noxious, nefarious, pernicious and depraved, we're going to need people to protest against them. And in order to have the protests make an impact, we're going to need some good slogans to demonize salt and sugar. So why not use this sin slogan against salt and sugar?

Here are the slogans for protests signs I'd recommend for protesters to use to bully food manufacturers who use too much salt and sugar with:

The Wages of Salt Is Death!
A Food in Salt is a Food Insult!
Salt Breeds Bad Saltation!
Ex-Salting Leads to Exalting!
Ex-Salted Foods Are Exalted Goods!

The Wages of Sugar Is Diabetes!
Sugar Is Sweet & Sickening! (Literally!)
Sugar Breeds the Rotten Sweetness of Corruption!
Sugar Must Be Policed Before We're All Obese!
The Sweet Tooth Is Rotten to the Core!
A Sugar Rush to Judgment Day!
A Sugar Buzz Cuts Your Life Short!