Friday, March 8, 2013

NYC Subway Teen Parent-Shaming Ads

Finally there’s a series of abortion-encouraging ads showing the crying faces of toddlers. Except that they’re not upset with the idea of abortion; they are crying because they weren’t abortions, and they want to be. This may seem strange to some people, but a recent scientific study found that all babies and toddlers cry because they’re mad they weren’t aborted as fetuses. It’s true! (Okay, it’s not true…)

But what an ironic message/picture combination! These ads show a crying child, and then the headline says stuff like: “Got a good job? I cost thousands of dollars each year.” The obvious message of this ad campaign is for us to look at the bad-tempered kids crying and want to have an abortion. So seeing as how the headline is intended to be like a quote from the child nagging to be an abortion, shouldn’t they go on to say: “So you should have aborted me. Now to get revenge on you for not aborting me, I’m going to cry loudly and go to the bathroom in my pants!”

But you know, if they’re going to make this ad campaign, where’s the one with the crying kid that says: “If you kill me now, it’s not a crime; but if you snap and kill me later, you’ll be charged with murder and you’ll be the most hated woman in America, just like Casey Anthony! So just kill me now and get it over with while you can still do it without legal consequences. And then you can just party all the time.”

(BTW: I am pro-choice, but showing a series of print/billboard ads showing crying children that long to be abortions seems like it’s in bad taste to me. And I am very pro-choice. If they really want to scare teen moms, why not say something like: “Your child may be the Antichrist or a hideous man-eating monster baby: quick, abort it: before it’s too late!!!)

Here’s an article that shows the ads in this NYC subway campaign as a slideshow:

But if New York City really wants to reduce teen pregnancy, rather than limiting the amount of soda and junk food kids can eat in NYC, they should mandate that they have to eat twice as much as usual. Then all the teenagers will be overweight and covered with acne, and then they might not even have sex. And without sex, they probably won’t get pregnant as often. (Call this suggestion as insensitive as you want, but it would likely really work.)

Or the city could provide sex education and encourage the use of contraceptives. But maybe that’s cheating or something, so let’s berate teen moms instead; because after all, it’s not nearly stigmatized enough yet, right?

Or perhaps someone could point out that having MTV glamorize teen pregnancy with so many reality TV shows might not be such a good idea.