Friday, March 29, 2013


CNN reports that Viagra is turning 15, and with this anniversary comes the question of why there isn’t a pill for women. The truth is, big pharma has been trying like crazy to find a female Viagra. The problem is partly that Viagra doesn’t make men have desire (they’re horny all the time already), so much as it just lets them get a boner. Women don’t need to get a boner, so this kind of thing doesn’t work with them.

But in this news story about women’s sex drugs (sex & drugs, man!) they referenced a product for women called: “LibiGel”, and they demonstrated it for a female reporter at CNN. They just squirted a little dab on her arm, and she rubbed it in, and they said that was the dose for 24 hours. (<I wonder if they were hoping it would work on her right there. And what if it did? Maybe the story would have been more embarrassing?) But if it’s a gel, why not use it as a lube? That way they could call it: “LibiLube”, or maybe: “Lubido”. And isn’t that catchier than LibiGel?

But if LibiGel makes women horny and more likely to sleep with someone they would regret sleeping with later, maybe they could call it: “LibiD’oh!” (<Like what Homer Simpson says when he screws up.)