Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fred Ex?

Some news show this evening had Fred Smith, the founder and head of FedEx, on to talk about economic growth and government policy, etc. But when I saw his name was Fred Smith, and he founded FedEx, I thought: “Hey, he should change his name to Fred Ex (or Fred X)!”

Hey, other successful people do this all the time! Rob Cummings, the singer for the band White Zombie, changed his name to Rob Zombie, and everyone loved that! So why not Fred Ex? Then he could use “Fred Ex from Fed Ex” as his Twitter handle as he proselytizes against higher taxes and whatnot, and everyone would think he was cool and hip like Rob Zombie.

Or, maybe he should wait until he leaves FedEx to change his name to Fred Ex (so signify that he has split from FedEx)?