Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Amazon Drones

Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos said on 60 Minutes that the future of e-commerce is drone delivery. Some are critical, but I think this is a great idea! Because once this becomes commonplace, competing online retainers will get into futuristic drone wars where the drones attack each other, or else they will go steal packages left by other companies to discredit them, etc. It will be wonderful! And some companies will initiate services where people can order drones to remove their neighbors’ annoying pets and such. Plus, all the spy drones will say “Amazon” on them and they will be carrying a package, which if they’re shot at will be revealed as a bomb or missile it will use as self-defense. And we can send what appear to be gifts to terrorists and once their guard is down: Blam! (It’s the future: embrace it!)