It’s Chewhuahua, the mighty mite canine avenger who chews
the extremities off all the nefarious villains who have the effrontery to try
to walk down the sidewalk in front of his house, to play in the park across the
street from where he lives, etc. (Those are his, and you didn’t ask to use
them, which is just as well, as he would have said no anyway, and maybe even
bitten you just to learn you some manners.) His jaws and claws will stick in
your craws when you cross this heroic protector of society’s path (or at least
protector of his self-appointed zone). Go ahead, make his day and become his
personal chew toy, ya’ punk: he dares you!
Let the word go far and wide to all you crooks who want to
walk down the street and play in the park: you have been warned! There’s a new
fuzzy sheriff in town, and his name is Chewhuahua!
Our heroic canine avenger might look a little something like
this (only tan, and with a heroic cape, I guess):