Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cialis Extended Web Ads?

Hey, remember how the Go Daddy Super Bowl ads used to show us some tease and then it would say to go online to see the rest? Well, in seeing the recent Cialis ads, it struck me that they were possibly trying to suggest something might happen between the heroes and heroines of their ads. But we don’t get to see it, do we? So I thought, hey how about a Cialis ad that tells us to go online to see what happens after the scenario we see in the ad. (No? Nobody wants to see it? Oh, well then I guess that’s why they don’t do it. But maybe somebody would like it, so…)

(Sorry, but I can’t seem to find the ad I’m looking for online, but I’ll bet I will get lots of boner pill spam for looking. {As if we don’t all get enough already!} And I’m sure you all know what the ads are like anyway.)