Friday, February 7, 2014

P&G Moms Olympics Ad

This ad shows a bunch of athletes from childhood growing up practicing, falling, in hospitals, and in competition, with mothers soothing their kids, looking worried at competitions, and hugging their child in the end. Then the ad says: “For teaching us that falling only makes us stronger. Thank you, Mom.”

This spot really tugs at your heart strings, and it shows some behind-the-scenes stuff about Olympian families, and it’s really very good.

But, with a slogan like that, I really thought they should show abusive mothers treating their kids like The Great Santini, saying stuff like: “I don’t care how many bones you’ve broken: you’re going to win that medal, or you’re not coming home!”

No? Too abrasive? Maybe hits too close to home for some? Oh, okay, then I guess the approach they took really is best. (But with all that falling and harm we see occurring, does P&G stand for: “Pummel and Gash”? Or maybe: “Pain and Gore”?)

Here’s the masochistic moms marketing (This is the longer version.):

Wow, everyone has such a beautiful mom! I’m sure it was just nature, and not casting, though.