I don’t live in Norway, but I know about black metal. And I also know that Norway is almost always dominant in lots of the Winter Olympics skiing events. And when you see these skiers (especially alpine skiers) in the middle of a race, they look like they’re about to tear someone’s throat out with their teeth.
So for an ad to encourage Norwegian skiers, were I a Norwegian ad agency, I might make ads showing the skiers with this face on a black metal-style album cover, claiming they are ready to slaughter all comers. (The ad campaign would be called: Olympic Black Medal.)
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about (a Darkthrone album cover):
The skier could be shown like this, but holding skis instead of a candelabra.
Maybe they already do this? (If so, I haven’t seen it.)
(BTW: I’m not so sure Norway is all that proud of black metal, but they ought to be. Apart from skiing and maybe some herring dishes, it’s what most of the world knows them for.)