Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jaws Shark Attack Scene

I recently saw a movie called Terror in the Aisles, which is a compilation of horror movie scenes, and in it, I saw again the first shark attack from the movie Jaws. This is the scene where that girl takes a dawn skinny-dipping swim, and she gets eaten by that mean old shark. It’s an extremely horrifying scene for us people, but it has occurred to me that from the shark’s point of view, it’s just having a snack. So if a shark were to watch that scene, it would look to it like a guy walking to his refrigerator, opening the door, taking something out, and eating it. So the fear is all about being the food in that situation, I suppose; otherwise, it’s just a dining-room scene. Had there been, say, four sharks, it would play to them like a dinner-table movie scene would play to us, don’t you think?