Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mercedes Google Guy Ad

Yep, now Mercedes is getting rich geeks to reveal what criminally negligent and recklessly dangerous drivers they are to try to get us to buy their cars. This Google guy (some rich executive) says he was tailgating so badly, when traffic stopped, it was too late. But never fear: if you’re rich enough, there’s never any punishment for bad behavior! That’s the whole idea behind the new Mercedes safe stuff. Rich people can bribe their way into getting a car that takes responsibility for their recklessness and arrogance, and fixes it for them. You just have to have enough money to get one, and you’re clear, man, regardless of how dangerous and depraved your actions are behind the wheel. (You know, kind of like in the “justice” system.)

Plus, where I live, the police don’t even ever pull over people in Mercedes cars, so they truly drive like they own the road, and as though there are never any consequences for their criminal driving. And for them, there probably aren’t. That’s probably why Mercedes had to develop this new sensor system: not because they care about safety, but so Mercedes wouldn’t only have the reputation for being driven exclusively by assholes. But they are; at least in California, anyway. (BTW: If you're a Mercedes driver here in California, and you're saying: "I'm not an asshole", then I'm very sorry about the fact that you're unable to be honest even with yourself. I'm joking; maybe they're not all assholes, but it sure seems like it!)

But there is definitely a serious downside to this technology they’re not telling us about in their advertising! As anybody who owns a modern car can tell you, the computer stuff in cars can go haywire on you at the drop of a hat, and once it does, there’s not much you can do about it. So this system will most likely begin at some point to just stop the car without any reason and without any notice whenever it goes sour, or else it will swerve all over the place when it incorrectly thinks you’re drifting. Mark my words: this will happen to some people.

Oh, and there’s another problem, too. The people who own these cars will get used to the car doing everything for them, so their driving will become completely slipshod and reckless. Then someday, they’ll have to drive a rental car without these auto-piloting control features, and they’ll probably swerve all over the road, and without the Mercedes safety sensor system to fix their hazardous driving, they’ll sail right into the tail of car after car until they kill everyone on the road! And then it will be Mercedes’s fault for not warning us about how it will affect drivers’ habits! (In addition to the fact that Mercedes drivers tend to drive like jerks anyway. But I’m not sure if that’s Mercedes’s fault, or if they can’t help that jerks like to buy their cars. But let’s blame them anyway, okay?)

I can’t find this ad on YouTube, but it’s running endlessly on Amercian television, so you’re bound to see it if you watch TV here.

No, wait: Here it is: