Sunday, July 17, 2011

Toshiba Zombie Ad

Wow! Ask and you shall receive! I posted a suggestion that there should be some zombie ads on TV finally, and lo and behold, there are some now! I’m sure these were being made before I posted my post, but I had presented zombie ad ideas years ago myself, so I get to call “shotgun”!

Anyway, this ad is funny, in that it shows some guy trying to think of all the stuff that could go wrong to require them to include some kind of drive in their Toshiba laptop, and he kind-of gets off message a bit, going from his laptop dropping on the ground and shorting out/crashing the electrical grid, to some guy drinking sour milk and turning into a zombie and infecting everybody else. This is funny, but like I said in the Honda Zombie Ad post, this zombie stuff doesn’t have anything to do with a specific type of hard drive, nor their Toshiba laptop. So they’re just putting in zombies for the sake of having zombies, I guess.

But it is memorable, and it’s a funny non-sequitur for this idea of trying to think of everything that could go wrong as a result of not choosing the good hard drive. So it kind-of works, in a way that the Honda ad didn’t as well, and ironically, it’s because it has absolutely nothing to do with the product, and it’s not even shown to be: it’s simply included as some gross (Get it? Zombies? Gross? Right?) exaggeration of a train of thought, and as such it kind-of works. In any case, it’s pretty fun, and I kinda like it!

Here’s the ad. See if you see what I mean: