Saturday, July 16, 2011

Yoplait Yogurt Packaging

Yoplait yogurt, because they care about wildlife, has a special message for us to help protect the animals. On each little container of Yoplait yogurt, it says: “Protect wildlife crush cup before disposal”. Only they print it in all caps and in red ink. But if they care about animals so much, shouldn’t they include proper punctuation? Or maybe it’s only intended for the animals to read, since they don’t usually use punctuation.

But couldn’t this lack of punctuation lead to misunderstandings of the message? Some may think they’re asking us to protect the package before we dispose of it, and that the name of this particular package design is the: “Wildlife Crush Cup”. So then this could lead to people thinking this package is historically a victim of pre-disposal abuse. And then wouldn’t we all begin to fear for our own safety? I mean, if this packaging is constantly being attacked, will we become a collateral-damage casualty in the continual assaults against this yogurt packaging? It could happen!

But is this really what they’re trying to tell us? They probably mean they want us to crush the packaging before we throw it away, and not that the packaging requires protection from abusers prior to its disposal. But without the proper punctuation, it’s very confusing! Why no proper punctuation after all? Are they so used to tweeting and cell-phone texting that they’ve forgotten how to use it? Or perhaps they’re assuming none of their customers remember (if they ever learned in the first place) how to use, read, or comprehend proper punctuation. And that’s an insult! What jerks!

Okay, here’s the thing about this plan: If Yoplait would sell their yogurt in a package that was shaped differently, they wouldn’t have to warn us about crushing the cup to protect wildlife to begin with! (I’m assuming that the problem with their packaging is that from how it’s shaped, animals could get their heads stuck in it and not be able to extricate themselves.) So why is the responsibility placed upon our shoulders to protect wildlife from their hazardous packaging? It seems to me they are being disingenuous and hypocritical when they print that warning on the label, and what’s more, they are seeking to place blame for harm to wildlife from their packaging on the consumer, rather than taking responsibility for their own harmful-to-animals design! This suggests that they know the design is hazardous to wildlife, but they just keep making it like that anyway! And they don’t even say “please” either: they’re just being all bossy about it! What jerks!

Here’s the Yoplait website, so you can see what their packaging is shaped like. BTW, it seems like they should simply use the “Yoplait Kids” packaging for everything, and that would solve the problem! And if they made it biodegradable, we could even litter all we wanted to, and it would all be fine in the long run. See? They know we’re all litterbugs (otherwise, why would they need to print that warning?), so they’re harming the environment purposefully with their design! And, with that warning label, they have plausible deniability about the outcome when nature is terrorized by their yogurt packaging! See? I told you they were jerks!: