Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Keystone Light Grilling Ad

I love some of these silly ads with Keith Stone. I can’t help but think this guy would never really get the ladies, but there are a lot of red-necks out there, so maybe it’s not so unbelievable after all. But in this ad, he has some bird-of-prey bring a fish over for a non-cowniverous lady, and then the birdie sits on his arm. But when she asks him what his name is, we get that loud bobcat growl as he tells her: “My name, (Rowerrr!) is: Keith Stone! (Guitar solo)” But wouldn’t that spook the bird and cause it to claw his face off? Maybe it’s just me, but I’d think the loud predator roars would be a bad thing to blare in the ears of other dangerous animals while they’re sitting on your flesh. But like I said: Maybe that’s just me.

I used to try the old bobcat growl routine too to impress the ladies, but it never worked quite right for me. His occurs just before he says his name, but when I tried it, it always happened at the same time as I was saying my name, so the women never could hear me; and they’d ask again, only for me to be drowned out by the roar again. Then when I tried to write it down, a leopard arm would come out of nowhere and maul the paper I was trying to write on. I guess you have to be really smooth for this stuff to work for you. It never did for me! But then again, maybe I shouldn’t have tried carrying a jungle cat around in a duffel bag with me everywhere. I think that Keith Stone guy just uses sound effects: Cheater!

Here’s the sizzling spot: