Thursday, July 14, 2011

Second-Hand Smoke and Delinquency

I just read a story where they point to a study where lying hippies try to blame all of kids’ behavioral problems on exposure to second-hand smoke. But hardly anyone smokes anymore, and there are tons of out-of-control kids. WTF?

Seriously: Everyone used to smoke back in the old days, right? Then how come all the Baby-Boomers weren’t juvenile delinquents? Well, it’s obviously because while cigarette smoke is probably bad for kids, this is a ridiculous lie to try to blame their bad behavior on smoke. What about their sense of entitlement? How about the fact that nobody’s allowed to spank a horribly bratty kid anymore? How about the fact that they get whatever they want just by nagging? But no: It’s cigarettes, not bad parenting or out-of-control liberal child-rearing policy or a collapsed education system.

I’m sorry, but I have to call “Bullshit”!

Here’s the stupid story:

But wait a minute: Maybe they’re onto something here. It has been said that a lot of kids smoke because of peer-pressure, right? What if that’s not it, but rather, the fact that by standing around someone who is smoking, they inhale the smoke and become juvenile delinquents, and then naturally, they’ll smoke themselves, and the cycle continues! That makes sense, sort-of, right?

And weren’t the delinquents always out hiding behind the gymnasium smoking cigarettes? So, obviously, exposure to smoke is what made them delinquents to begin with! And because they’re so badly behaved as a result of exposure to cigarette smoke, they like being delinquents, and they also realize that smoking will make them even worse and worse of delinquents, so they start smoking themselves, and then they blow it all over everyone else, so all of them will become delinquents too! And that is obviously the root of all the world’s problems!

So they’re right after all! I can't believe it! I hope it's not too late to ban smoking everywhere. I'm sure everyone will behave perfectly once we get that accomplished!