Saturday, January 5, 2013

Masterpiece Mystery with Zombies?

In watching some NetFlix lately, I have seen an episode of the (far inferior) British version of Wallander, and in one episode, one of Wallander's lieutenants gets killed, and it turns out that he didn't know the guy as well as he thought, so he has a hard time solving the case of who killed him, etc. Oh, but if the dead guy became a zombie, that would be no problem! What would happen is, Wallander could bring him some brains to eat from some other murder victim, and then the zombie lieutenant could just tell him what happened, and they could catch the bad guy!

Oh, but that's not all, for if the police had a zombie on their team, whenever a suspect didn't want to tell them what they needed to know in an interrogation, they could just have the zombie break in and eat their brain, and then the zombie would absorb all the knowledge from the suspect's brain, and then the zombie could tell the police what had happened and solve the case! In fact, with zombies being so ridiculously popular these days, how long will it be before a mystery series follows this format? And isn't it about time for Masterpiece Mystery with Zombies?