If you've seen Prometheus, last year's prequel of sorts to 1979's Alien, you will no doubt remember the android guy David portrayed by Michael Fassbender. Well we all know that during everyone else's hyper sleep, David watched a lot of movies, I guess on Turner Classic Movies, since no-one else ever shows old movies besides them. And of all the movies he watched, he really liked Lawrence of Arabia, so much so, that he cut and dyed his (fake) hair to look like Arab Larry's (Peter O'Toole's, that is). But in watching this movie with my sister, we felt like this whole conception was completely wrong-headed. After all, why would a robot guy want to be like a fictitious portrayal of a human being? That's an old sci-fi conceit I have never liked very much: the android who longs to be human. (Just so they can get teased, beaten up, dumped by a girlfriend and heartbroken, fired from a job, mugged, smeared, etc., right? It doesn't make sense to me.)
No, what I think would have really happened is this: The robot guy, David, would have been really bored during the whole journey there while everyone else is in hyper sleep, so he'd seek out fictional representations of robot guys like himself. So, naturally, he'd watch all of Star Trek: The Next Generation, decide that Data is too much of a kiss-ass pansy, and so he'd move on to the Terminator movies. So then, when the people woke up, David would be all dressed like Arnold Schwarzenegger from The Terminator, with a black leather jacket and Gargoyle sunglasses. And whenever he could, he would insert the catchphrases from the Terminator movies, like: "I'll be back!", "Hasta la vista, baby!", and "F*ck You, Assh*le!" (Those are the ones I remember, anyway.) And naturally, they would be completely appropriate for each situation he uses them in, and the rest of the time, he'd be just a regular helpful robot guy who dresses like the Terminator.
Now seriously, wouldn't this have made it a much more fun movie? Plus, it would have made a lot more sense, too. Don't you think?